tldr: Your stuff is your stuff, and we keep it as secure as we can.

  1. Incrediblist will keep a record of the information provided by any user of Incrediblist or’s services (hereafter “Client”) when the Client’s account is registered. Incrediblist maintains Client data in plain text on an encrypted file system, and all traffic is encrypted and secured with a valid SSL certificate. Incrediblist will keep that information for only internal use for the maintenance and operation of Client accounts. Incrediblist will never sell or otherwise distribute any information contained in Client account records, except to comply with a valid court order.
  2. The Client is and shall remain the sole owner of all of the Client’s data. Any business information entered by the Client into Incrediblist belongs solely to the Client. Any information generated for or recorded about the Client’s business by Incrediblist is and shall remain the sole property of the Client.
  3. Since Incrediblist has no ownership claim of any record of any Client data (other than basic information needed for account maintenance), Incrediblist cannot and will not use, copy, sell, or otherwise distribute Client data for any reason, except to comply with a valid court order.
  4. Incrediblist will store historical client data on its server. Though historical data may eventually stop appearing on a Client’s interface, Client data will never be intentionally deleted from Incrediblist’s server.
  5. DISCLAIMER: ACCOUNT LAPSE: Although Clients own all of their own data; this data cannot be accessed without an active and valid Incrediblist account. If a Client’s account lapses because of non-payment or for any another reason, the Client will not be able to access any data stored by Incrediblist. Incrediblist will not delete a lapsed account or any data which is associated with the lapsed account. Incrediblist will never take any ownership claim of any Client data, independent of the status of that account. The Client’s data will remain idle on Incrediblist’s server for as long as Incrediblist exists.
  6. Credit card information is strictly handled by No electronic credit card information or transaction data ever reaches Incrediblist’s server. For this reason, Incrediblist does not own or have any possessory claim to data associated with electronic credit card transactions. A link to the Terms of Service of can be found here: